Linda Štucbartová talks to leading Czech personalities about the key to a successful career

Linda Štucbartová, photo: Czech Centre Prague

There are now many guidebooks on how to achieve career success in your chosen profession, most of them crammed with tips on how to dress, how to behave, and how to get promoted. A new book out by Linda Štucbartová called Ambassadors Without Diplomatic Passports is different. The author lets successful Czechs give their own advice on what to do, what to expect and what to avoid in their given field, be they career diplomats or people from other walks of life.

Photo: SLON publishing
Linda Štucbartová studied history and international relations in Prague, Geneva and Oxford. She has lectured at the Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Foreign Ministry and now teaches at the Anglo-American University in Prague. Inspired by her students, who frequently asked her for career advice, she decided to write this one-of-a kind handbook based on 21 candid interviews with those who have already made it to the top of the career ladder. The list of interviewees includes senior diplomat Petr Kypr, top economist Tomáš Sedláček, the first Czech euro commissioner Pavel Telička or well known journalist Petra Procházková. The interviews mainly focus on several aspects - How can one get a career in diplomacy? Does our career depend on coincidence? or What can we do to make this world a better place? Linda Štucbartová explains:

“There is a short introduction of the given personality, then there is his or her take on today’s world, on the current situation in the Czech Republic, their own career experience and something I would call mentoring advice to young people. What they should concentrate on, where successful leaders see the main opportunities nowadays.”

Linda has carefully selected people from a diverse background and different areas of diplomacy, but they all have one thing in common: they have made it to the top of their profession. The interviewees share their experience and also give recommendations for the best job opportunities in the given field. The author says that many young people who dream of a career in diplomacy get discouraged by not having what they see as “the right connections”.

Linda Štucbartová,  photo: Czech Centre Prague
“On 21 examples I basically showed that these people had no influential parents that very often they were offered a position by chance based on their previous performance. And that’s what counts.”

The book Ambassadors Without Diplomatic Passports offers a wide range of valuable advice to people at the start of their careers but it also makes interesting reading in providing greater insight into the life and work of well-known and respected Czech personalities.