Liberec Tech. becomes first Czech University to open campuses abroad

  • Liberec Tech. becomes first Czech University to open campuses abroad

The Technical University of Liberec has announced it is opening two branches in Vietnam. It's thought to be the very first time a Czech University has set up campuses abroad. Petr Louda, dean of the Mechanical Faculty, explained how the plans came about.

"The last 20 years here study here in the Czech Republic probably 8,000 students. The people return to Vietnam to work in high positions in Vietnam. We wish to continue with this activity and our idea is that we start the study course in Vietnam, bachelor's studies in mechanical engineering. And after two years, we bring Vietnamese students to the Czech Republic to finish their bachelor's studies. And of course at this moment is possible to continue with master's or doctoral studies."

How many students will the program have?

"We are preparing our project by foundation of the ministry of business of the Czech Republic for 150 students per year. This is for Vietnamese people not only from Hanoi, but we also start our project in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, and we wish that the study course is open to students from throughout Vietnamese Republic"

How is it going to work. Will classes be in Vietnamese or Czech?

"Half of time, part of time, we will start here the courses in the Czech language. We have teachers in Vietnam who studied here in the Czech Republic and teachers speak in Czech language"

And will some of the students come to Liberec as well?

"Sure. After two years' study in Vietnam, the students will come here and finish here their last year of bachelor's study in mechanical engineering."

I understand you were in Vietnam last week. What were you doing there?

"I was opening the workplace for our faculty at Hanoi technical university."

Why do you think a Vietnamese person would want to study at a Czech university? "The Czech republic is now a subsystem of the European Union and for Vietnamese students Europe is the top position for study courses for their next career."

Do you think that Vietnamese students will understand the Czech system of education?

"The traditional educational style in Vietnam is from the French. Because Vietnam was a French colony. The system of education is the same as the European style."