Latest election poll suggests increase in support for SPD and STAN

Had parliamentary elections taken place in April, Andrej Babiš's ANO party would have won with 32.5 percent of the vote, while Prime Minister Petr Fiala's Civic Democrat (ODS) party would have placed second with 13 percent, according to the latest Median poll. The Pirates and the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) party would have tied for third place with 10 percent of the vote each - a marked improvement for the SPD, who have regularly been polling around 7 to 9 percent in recent months. The Mayors and Independents (STAN) would have got eight percent of the vote, also an improvement on their March result.

The remaining political parties, including the two others making up the five-party government coalition (TOP 09 and the Christian Democrats), would not have made it into parliament at all, having not gained enough votes to reach the minimum five percent threshold required.

Author: Anna Fodor