Kvietah and the thinking of Generation Z

Have you ever wondered what motivates today's young adults? Magdalena Fendrychová, who performs under the stage name Kvietah, offers some insights. Her album Diky, včely (“Thanks, Bees”) has received acclaim for the powerful stories in which the young singer-songwriter reflects on her life.


The album's opener, Linka, for example, explores what a young woman from Prague might think as she traverses through the city on a night tram. The singer muses that all her friends have descended into "the dregs of their misery," lost in their material possessions. She reflects on the feeling of having no one waiting for her at home, and on a God who doesn't save his creatures—they save him.

Kvietah's lyrics are poetic, melancholic, and often deeper than her light, high-pitched voice might suggest. There are several references to the war in Ukraine on the album. Not everyone may feel comfortable with Kvietah's reminder that each day brings us closer to death. Yet, the album also reveals an intimate side of the artist, introducing listeners to her friends and her mother. Those familiar with Prague can follow Kvietah's journey through various stops in the city.

With her debut album Hejno černých koček (“A Flock of Black Cats”) in 2022, Kvietah secured her place on the Czech alternative music scene. Her songwriting prowess is no accident; she studies popular composition at the Prague Conservatory. Recently, she has often performed with a three-piece band. Kvietah enjoys playing piano and singing simultaneously and enjoys being a part of the trio.