Karel Kryl – Singer who put poetry in protest died 25 years ago OTD

Karel Kryl, photo: archive of Czech Center Munich
  • Karel Kryl – Singer who put poetry in protest died 25 years ago OTD

Karel Kryl, perhaps the greatest Czech protest singer ever, died on this day 25 years ago, at the age of only 49. Kryl’s spare and highly poetic songs such as Bratříčku zavírej vrátka (Close the Gate, Little Brother), composed in the wake of the Soviet-led invasion of 1968, reflected the frustrations of many Czechoslovaks at the time and remain popular to this day. This year is also the 75th anniversary of his birth.

Karel Kryl,  photo: archive of Czech Center Munich

Karel Kryl, perhaps the greatest Czech protest singer ever, died on this day 25 years ago, at the age of only 49. Kryl’s spare and highly poetic songs such as Bratříčku zavírej vrátka (Close the Gate, Little Brother), composed in the wake of the Soviet-led invasion of 1968, reflected the frustrations of many Czechoslovaks at the time and remain popular to this day. This year is also the 75th anniversary of his birth.