Jourová reportedly offered Commission post focused on rule of law and democracy issues

European Commission president-elect Ursula von der Leyen has offered the Czech Republic’s Věra Jourová a portfolio focused on democracy issues, Politico reported. The post would concern the rule of law and connected issues, such as disinformation and hate speech, the news site said.

Ms. Jourová has hitherto been European commissioner for justice, gender equality and consumers. The Prague government has been hoping she receives an economic or trade portfolio during her second stint. Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček (Social Democrats) reiterated that preference on Wednesday in response to the article.

Politico said the offer on the table could be part of an effort by Ms. von der Leyen to reach out to Central European states, whose leaders have accused the outgoing commission of overly concentrating on the region with regard to rule of law probes.

Author: Ian Willoughby