Jourová: EU presidency an opportunity for Czechia to get more involved in EU policymaking
Czechia’s upcoming presidency of the EU Council is a major opportunity for the country to place itself within the centre of the union’s workings for the next several years, rather than on its periphery as has been the case thus far, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová told the Czech News Agency in an interview released on Wednesday. Czechia, according to the commissioner, should therefore make sure to connect its domestic and European agenda, with individual ministers having their own assigned targets that they need to achieve. While this is something that Czech cabinet members now have at the time of the start of their country’s presidency, it should be so always, she said.
Ms Jourová also said that The Czech Republic will have to clearly delineate itself against Hungary’s and Poland’s positions towards the rule of law during its presidency, as it is currently seen in Brussels as a country that is influenced by its Visegrad Group partners.
Furthermore, the European Council commissioner said that she wants to invite the heads of global internet platforms to the Czech Republic in order to meet with ministers from member states and discuss the EU’s recently agreed Code of Practice on Disinformation. The Czech Republic can help move this policy more towards the east of Europe, where it is most needed, she said.