Josef Skvorecky's literary academy opens this autumn

Up to now would-be Czech writers and journalists have honed their skills at the faculties of philosophy or journalism of Charles University. As of this autumn they finally have an alternative. In a groundbreaking initiative, the internationally renowned Czech-born writer Josef Skvorecky has set up an Academy of Creative Writing, the first institution of higher learning of this type in the Czech Republic. Daniela Lazarova has more

The Academy of Creative writing is in effect a university offering MA and BA studies to high school graduates. What is special about it is that it promises less theory and more practical guidance to future writers, journalists and editors. As the dean of the Academy, Prof. Oldrich Kral told me the institution will employ successful Czech writers as lecturers, people who are not just well versed in the art of writing but who, like Josef Skvorecky, know all about the problems of asserting oneself on the literary scene. That was Prof. Oldrich Kral, dean of the newly opened Academy of Creative Writing. The lecturers include some impressive names on the Czech literary scene, such as the country's most popular novelist, Michal Viewegh, and the playwright Daniela Fischerova.