iROZHLAS: inaction on sex offenders register likely to result in postponed launch

The sex offenders register that politicians have been promising since 2022 may have to be postponed for the second time, reports.

The government began discussing the possibility of creating such a register in response to a case where a previously convicted sex offender from Liberec abused seven children at events that he was allowed to organise, despite the fact that he was twice convicted of raping minors in the past.

The Justice Ministry said last October that it had agreed on the details of the register and was already working on a concrete proposal. Originally, the register was supposed to launch at the beginning of this year, but this was later postponed to January 1, 2025.

Now, warns, even this new deadline may not be met, as the Justice Ministry has still not put forward a draft proposal, saying it won't be ready until at least September.

Author: Anna Fodor