Insight Central Europe News

New turn in Polish political sex scandal

In Poland a political sex-scandal took another turn this week when a woman, who accuses politicians from the populist Self-Defence party, of sexual abuse, claimed that one of the MP's is the father of her child and demanded child alimony. In newspaper interviews, the woman said she had to perform sexual favours for party leaders including Deputy Prime Minister Andrzey Lepper. He denies the allegations but says he will have a serious talk to the MP accused of fathering the woman's child - Stanislaw Lyswinski. The Prime Minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has also become involved saying in a radio interview that he could not imagine further cooperation with Andrzej Lepper if the accusations are confirmed.

Czech government set-back as Greens pull out of coalition talks

Attempts to form a four-party coalition government in the Czech Republic suffered a blow this week when the Greens withdrew from four-party coalition talks. Greens chairman Martin Bursik said his party's priorities had not been included in the draft programme and he disagreed with the cabinet governing for the entire four-year term. The Greens want to return to a three-party coalition project with the ODS and the KDU-CSL. Together they hold half of the mandates in the 200-seat Chamber of Deputies.

Slovenia's defence minister in Kosovo

Slovenia's Defence Minister Karl Erjavec arrived in Kosovo on Friday to meet Slovenian soldiers taking part in the NATO-led KFOR peace keeping mission. Slovenia currently has 214 soldiers in Kosovo, but the contingent will be increased to over 700 early next year. Erjavec visited soldiers stationed in Pristina and met the KFOR Deputy Commander, Major-General Roberto Bernardini.

Slovak soldiers to be sent home after getting drunk in Iraq

Two Slovak soldiers serving in Iraq are being sent home after becoming drunk. The Chief of Staff of the Slovak Army, General Lubomir Bulik says the two will be withdrawn to Slovakia immediately. Slovak soldiers serving abroad are not allowed alcohol, even in their spare time. Slovakia has a one hundred strong contingent of military engineers and a guard unit stationed in Iraq. They are preparing to return home in March of next year.

Hungarians farewell their national hero - Ferenc Puskas

Hungarians bid farewell to soccer legend Ferenc Puskas in Budapest on Saturday. The man described as the best-known Hungarian of the 20th century was to be buried with full state honours on a day which the government declared a national day of mourning. Puskas died on November 17th after a long illness. He scored a remarkable 83 goals in 84 international matches between 1945 and 1956, when the Hungarian squad was known as the "Golden Team." He later became an accomplished football coach.