Hulk in Avengers inspires first smart Czech baby cradle

A new, never seen before product has hit the Czech market – a smart cradle. Developed by the Czech company Loonoy, the cradle is the result of more than five years of development and promises to make parenting a little easier for Czechs willing to spill some extra cash. The CEO of Loonoy, Adam Rumler, says that he got the idea while watching Hulk in the Avengers film series.

Photo: Loonoy s.r.o

“Yes, that served as an inspiration for me. Hulk walked around a cradle in one of the scenes from the Avengers series.

“There was a question if there are any nice cradles on the market. That was about five years ago. I searched on the web and didn’t find anything. That’s how the idea and development of this product began.

“There were a lot of problems because the coronavirus pandemic caused issues in the development of electronic products, so it took five years.”

I understand that the smart cradle you have developed is unique to the Czech market, but what about worldwide? How unique is it and what exactly makes it smart?

Adam Rumler | Photo: Loonoy s.r.o

“It is true that smart cradles already exist on the world market, but not at this level of complexity. Our cradle has a lot of functions.”

Tell me about them.

“Well, we have a slogan: ‘I swing, I play, I watch, I shine, about safety will I notify.’ That means that we have five different setting for the automatic rocking of the cradle. There are also melodies that can be played, for example natural sounds. Also, there is an audio and video babysitter, as well as a breathing monitor. Last but not least, there are also security notifications. When the mother is not around the cradle she gets notifications to her phone via our app informing her about what is happening to the baby.”

And I understand that people can also test your product by renting it, so they don’t have to buy it right away. How exactly does that work?

“It’s not a test, it’s a service. People can borrow our product for a period of three or six months and at the end our courier picks it up. It’s a service who don’t want to own the product but want to share it.”

Photo: Loonoy s.r.o

And is this product only available on the Czech market, or can people also buy it abroad?

“Right now we have both an English and Czech language website, so we can send our products to customers across Europe. The product is also fully certified and tested for this whole market.”

And you are working on other smart products already. What are they?

“Yes, we are working on some smart products for babies at the moment. However, I would like to keep that secret for the moment because it gives us more space and time in the development phase.”