Health Minister to unveil long-term Covid-19 plan on Oct. 9

Health Minister Roman Prymula will present a long-term plan to combat the spread of Covid-19 on Friday (October 9) that will go into effect a week later, he said on Czech Television debate programme.

On Monday, a one-month State of Emergency comes into effect due to the second wave of Covid-19 infections. Secondary schools in high-risk areas will close for at least two weeks, while cultural and sporting events and other gatherings will be limited in size.

Prymula said about 60 measures are being considered within the long-term plan, from which the government will select in part according to their impact on the economy.

Experts from foreign universities have participated in the plan, which has been in preparation for two weeks, he said, declining to provide details in advance beyond saying school closures are under consideration.

As for the so-called traffic light system regarding risk-infection levels, Prymula said it would have to be readjusted because with the current parameters, the entire country would soon be ‘red’.

Author: Brian Kenety