Havel: Peace in Burma may be only imaginary

The current peace in Burma may be only imaginary and people shouldn't get lulled by it, former Czech president Vaclav Havel said at the Forum 2000 conference on Monday. Mr Havel also called on the conference participants to sign a petition in support of the Burmese dissident and Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Forum 2000 Conference held under the auspices of Vaclav Havel started in Prague on Sunday, attracting prominent figures from all over the world. The theme for this 11th Forum is 'Freedom and Responsibility', and guests include former US Foreign Secretary Madeleine Albright, Nobel peace-prize winner Shirin Ebadi, and former head of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz. The conference will run until Tuesday.

Author: Ruth Fraňková