articles by the author
Hungary's Finance Minister plans economic reshuffle
Hungary's new Finance Minster-to-be, Tibor Draskovics has been outlining his priorities this week. He takes office next month - replacing Csaba Laszlo, who was recently…
Hungarian police reach out to the Roma community
Hungary's efforts to improve the lot of its large Roma, or gypsy, minority have been given a boost by an initiative near the capital, Budapest. Young police officers in…
Will Sweden's 'Nej' to the Euro have an impact in EU candidate countries?
European integration suffered a blow last weekend, when Swedes voted overwhelming against the euro ... the final result shows 56% rejecting the single currency. The…
Ethnic hungarians of Voivodina demand dual citizenship
The issue of granting dual citizenship to ethnic Hungarians in the neighbouring countries is being hotly debated in Hungary following a campaign in the Northern province…
Hungary and Slovakia come closer to resolving cross-border disputes
Ethnic Hungarians living outside Hungary make up the second largest minority in Europe after the Russians: The Hungarian government's so called Benefit law, that favours…
Majority of Hungarians against closure of Paks power plant.
Anti-nuclear activists in Austria and Hungary are urgently calling for Hungary's only nuclear power plant, Paks to be shut down. The calls for closure follow a series of…