Government nominates Síkela to European Commission

The Czech government has nominated the minister of industry and trade, Jozef Síkela, for the position of Czech member of the next European Commission. The cabinet selected him unanimously at a meeting on Wednesday over two other candidates, recently elected MEP Danuše Nerudová of the Mayors party and Marcel Kolaja of the Pirates.

According to Prime Minister Fiala, Mr. Síkela has proven his competence over the long term, and during the Czech EU Presidency, he has shown that he was capable of solving problems at the European level.

“We are trying to achieve a portfolio that will be strong, where the Commissioner for Czechia will have real powers. We are convinced that Jozef Síkela is the right candidate who can acquire and manage such a portfolio," Mr. Fiala told reporters after the government’s meeting.

Author: Ruth Fraňková