Government commissioner for the IMF/World Bank meeting says preparations normal

Now there has been much in the Czech press and on Radio Prague recently about preparations for the IMF/World Bank meeting that will be held in Prague this September. Much of the coverage has involved speculation on security and healthcare preparations. The Ministry of Health has warned that doctors will only be able to treat acute cases, as the ministry expects they'll be too busy dealing with injured demonstrators, while the Interior Ministry has given conflicting signals about whether the police will be at hand to help the public, or just order them around. It is even rumoured that the police will not be able to protect Prague's metro system from terrorist attack. This speculation and conflicting reports have understandably created public safety concerns. Radio Prague's Nick Carey spoke to the government commissioner in charge of preparations for the IMF/World Bank meeting, Zdenek Hruby, and asked him first what the security preparations are: