Funeral mass for Karel Schwarzenberg for invited guests only

The funeral mass for the late Karel Schwarzenberg, a prominent politician and a member of one of the oldest noble families in Europe, in St Vitus Cathedral will be for invited guests only, the Archbishopric of Prague announced on Friday. The public will be able to watch the funeral liturgy live on television and on a large screen near the cathedral.

Karel Schwarzenberg, died on Sunday, November 12 in Vienna at the age of 85. His coffin will be on display for the public from Wednesday, December 6, to Friday, December 8, at the Church of the Knights of Malta of Our Lady Beneath the Chain in Prague. The funeral mass will take place in St Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle on Saturday, December 9 at noon. In accordance with his wishes, Schwarzenberg's remains will be laid to rest in the family tomb at Orlík Castle.