Former TV reporter accused of spreading alarmist news for second time

The police have again charged former TV Nova reporter Jana Peterková with spreading alarmist news, Czech Television reports. In a video published on social media, she stated that war would be declared after the current Czech president Petr Pavel took office. Ms. Peterková already received a two-year suspended sentence in May for the same crime.

The former journalist now faces up to five years in prison, as she has already been legally convicted for the same crime. Her previous conviction was due to videos she made during the coronavirus pandemic in which she spread false information about people dying after being vaccinated against covid-19 and Czechia being occupied by NATO troops.

Some of her supporters were charged last week with disorderly conduct, violence against a public authority and contempt of court after they disrupted her appeal hearing in May by breaking down a door and attacking the judicial guard.

Author: Anna Fodor