Former political prisoner, advocate František Šedivý dies at age 93

František Šedivý, a former resistance fighter and political prisoner during the communist regime, who became a vocal advocate for fellow victims after 1989, has died at the age of 93.

Šedivý was sentenced in the early 1950s to 14 years in prison on charges of high treason and espionage and spent part of his sentence at the notorious Jáchymov labour camp.

He was released on parole in 1964, and during the Prague Spring worked to revive the Czechoslovak National Socialist Party in opposition to the one-rule of the Communists.

Šedivý long served in the leadership of the Association of Czech Political Prisoners and the Club of Dr. Milady Horáková, named after the only woman executed by the former regime in a show trial for her political activity.

Author: Brian Kenety