Former party head Milos Zeman officially quits Social Democrats

Former chairman Milos Zeman has officially notified the Social Democratic Party's office in South Moravia's Nove Veseli that he is leaving the party. According to the head of the local office, Mr Zeman writes that he will under no circumstances join any other party. Mr Zeman decided to quit because he believes that current leader Jiri Paroubek initiated criminal proceedings against him over a case in which a lawyer is suing the party over unpaid fees. Mr Paroubek denies being behind the lawsuit and says Mr Zeman's resignation is a desperate attempt to influence an upcoming party conference at which a new leadership is elected.

Mr Zeman led the Social Democrats for eight years and helped make the party one of the strongest forces in Czech politics. He was prime minister from 1998 to 2002.

Author: Dita Asiedu