Fiala: New classes could be set up to cope with high school capacity problems

New classes could be set up in Czech high schools, the country’s head of government Petr Fiala said on Thursday, after meeting with representatives of the association of Czechia’s regions together with Education Minister Mikuláš Bek. Those institutions that have sufficient capacities would set up these classes which would in turn be focused on teaching subjects that are currently most in demand, according to the prime minister.

The meeting was held in light of ongoing problems related to Czech students who are finishing elementary school and are not able to subsequently secure a place in the country’s secondary education institutions, Czech Television reports. The issue is in-part caused by the current group of students entering secondary education having been born at a time with higher than usual birth-rates.

The prime minister said that the situation varies depending upon region, but that especially in Prague and Brno, as well as in the Central Bohemian Region, grammar schools are currently unable to cope with the high numbers of applicants. He said that he wants both a short-term and long-term solution to what is apparently a systemic problem. The former should include filling classes to maximum capacity.

Suggestions have also been made that the current admissions system for Czech high schools be digitised. However, the education minister said that it may be risky to launch such a system too soon before it has been properly prepared and that the situation will become clearer around September. He added that the current problem is more of a logistical issue rather than a problem caused by lack of financing.