Fiala: Govt to decide in summer on number of new nuclear units

Prime Minister Petr Fiala says the government will decide by the end of August how many nuclear units Czechia will build on the basis of a current tender to construct them. He made the comment at a conference in Prague on Wednesday entitled Czechia at a Crossroads II.

Two companies, France’s EDF and KHNP from South Korea, are in the running to supply one to four units under the current tender.

One new unit should be built at Dukovany, though if a larger project is decided on there could be two new units there and also two new ones at the country’s second nuclear power plant, Temelín.

The two aspirants for the contract submitted bids in April that are now being appraised by power company ČEZ. It should turn the matter over to the cabinet later this month.

Author: Ian Willoughby