Fertility rate in Czechia highest since 1992

The total fertility rate rose to 1.83 in Czechia last year, the highest since 1992. The Czech Statistical Office announced these findings at a press conference on Thursday.

The fertility rate has been growing in the Czech Republic over the last decade, and last year, it had one of the highest in Europe. However, around the turn of the millennium, the country had one of the lowest in Europe, with the total fertility rate sinking to 1.13  in 1999.

Despite the increase in fertility, the population of the Czech Republic is still only increasing thanks to the arrival of foreigners.

The total fertility rate of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime if she were to live from birth until the end of her reproductive life and if she were to experience the exact current age-specific fertility rates throughout her reproductive life.

Author: Anna Fodor