English version of Hamlet premieres in Prague, with Czech play within the play

The Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet premiered at the Globe Theatre at Prague's Exhibition Grounds on Wednesday night. The play is performed in English, but includes a novel twist. The play within the play as it is known, which is put on to catch out Hamlet's uncle Claudius, is performed in Czech in this verion. Nick Carey was there and has this report:

Overall, Misery Loves Company's production of the play was well conceived, well put together, and well received, as far as I could gather from the majority of those I spoke to. The cast put in strong performances, and the inclusion of the play within the play in Czech was a novel and interesting concept, with a fine display from the talented Tomas Petrik.

There were a few problems with noise from outside the Globe, as the Exhibition Grounds do house a fun fair, and the actors at times had to struggle against the noise of cars and techno music blaring from the various attractions. A few people I spoke to said they had difficulty in hearing some parts of the play, but a bit more volume from the players could help resolve that. After the play I spoke to Noel le Bon, who plays the part of Horatio, and asked him first of all how he though the first night of Hamlet had gone: Hamlet will be performed a total of seven more times up until September 7th, and tickets cost 250 crowns. As the Globe is a replica of the original theatre in London, I would recommend going to see it and sitting or standing in the pit in front of the stage, for a taste of the Shakespearean experience as it may well have been hundreds of years ago.