Engineering students complete testing on racing car set for Formula Student competition


Engineering students at Prague’s ČVUT – the Czech Technical University – are completing testing on a single-seater racing car they built together over endless hours over the last 18 months. Next week, their efforts will come to fruition: the car will compete in Germany’s Formula Student - a competition gauging the overall quality of design, engineering and performance.

A little earlier Jan Velinger spoke to Radek Tichánek of ČVUT, overseeing the project.

“The competition teaches students a lot of practical skills and gives them real-life experience. They have to be able to work under pressure, they have a tight schedule and they learn a lot about cooperating on a team. They’ve been working together for 18 months and that includes design, manufacture and testing of the vehicle.”

The idea is to produce a car for the student competition…

“Yes. We are taking part in the Formula Student competition in Germany.”

What are some of the requirements or specifications involved when it comes to the vehicle?

“The car has to be open cockpit, like Formula One. The engine is placed behind the driver. It comes from a motorcycle and is 600 cc. It’s restricted power is 80 horsepower.”

There are still some things which need to be fine-tuned, is that correct?

“That’s right. We are still working on the shifting as we near the end of testing. In the race the car will face straights, corners and autocross slaloms. The average speed on the track is 60 kilometres per hour only, for students’ safety. On Monday we will select our driver and on Wednesday will go to Germany. I think it is one of the best competitions in our branch, perfect for automotive engineers.”