EC President Von der Leyen praises Czech contribution to Fit for 55

Ursula von der Leyen

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, addressed Czech entrepreneurs and business owners at a Green Deal summit in Prague on Tuesday, telling them the potential of Czech industry to be a European leader in the green economy of the future was in their hands.

Škoda trolley bus | Photo: Lukáš Milota,  Czech Radio

Ursula Von der Leyen told the audience of assorted business and industry players at the Green Deal Summit that Czech industry had "enormous potential" to lead the way in green innovation, describing Czechia as a country "of inventors and innovators" which has been the beating heart of European production for centuries, where the traditional and the modern have always been intertwined. She said that Czechia has a strong industrial base and ingenuity, which is everything that is needed to make the country a European leader in the green economy.

The head of the EC also called on Czech businesses to use the opportunities that the Green Deal affords, saying that it ensures a predictable environment for companies to invest in innovation, and reminding them that the future is in their hands.

Jezeří | Photo: Filip Jandourek,  Czech Radio

She assured people from Czech coal mining regions that the Green Deal should not be a cause for concern for them; on the contrary, investment in these regions, where thousands of people work in the coal mining sector, is the Green Deal's highest priority.

The European Commission president praised several Czech companies for their environmental contributions, including Škoda for its introduction of the first hydrogen-powered bus in Prague and Tatra for a prototype hydrogen-powered truck which could go into production by the end of 2025.

She also praised Czechia for its contributions during its presidency of the EU Council, saying it played a key role in the approval of Fit for 55, a set of climate standards which is the main pillar of the Green Deal. She emphasised that the Green Deal would lay the foundations for future prosperity as well as protecting people and the planet.

The European Green Deal has been a priority for Ms. Von der Leyen since she became EC President in 2019. The deal concerns the EU's transition to renewable energy and a sustainable economy, with the next step being to open a discussion on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

Author: Anna Fodor | Source: ČTK
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