Diana Phipps Sternberg: Renowned interior designer and philanthropist dies at 88

Countess Diana Phipps Sternberg

Countess Diana Phipps Sternberg, a renowned interior designer, philanthropist, and member of the old Czech nobility, passed away in Vienna on July 31, 2024, at the age of 88.

Born in 1936, Diana's life journey took her to various corners of the world, where she established herself as an accomplished interior designer. In the summer of 1948, Diana left Czechoslovakia, where she resided with her parents in Častolovice Castle, and went into exile, returning only after fifty years.

Častolovice Castle | Photo: Jana Házová,  Czech Radio

After returning to her homeland in 1990, she made significant contributions at the Office of the President under Václav Havel, with a focus on the interiors of Prague Castle and Lány Chateau. Alongside Olga Havlová, she also co-founded the Committee of Goodwill to support those in need, a testament to her lifelong commitment to philanthropy.

In reflecting on her life, Diana Sternberg once remarked that she cherished the years of restoration work at Častolovice Castle and, despite the challenges, found great satisfaction in the history she hoped to preserve for future generations.

Diana Sternberg is survived by her daughter and grandchildren. Her legacy includes not only the beautifully restored Častolovice Castle but also the lasting impact of her charitable work and her influence on those who knew her. Her life was a testament to the belief that true fulfillment comes from fostering beauty, helping others, and cherishing the places we call home.

Rosarium at the Častolovice Castle | Photo: Jana Házová,  Czech Radio