The designer who dresses the Infant Jesus of Prague

The Infant Jesus of Prague

The Infant Jesus of Prague, one of the most venerated statuettes in the Roman Catholic world, is known to millions of believers the world over. Painter and dress designer Markéta Melenovská is one of the artists behind its rich hand-made wardrobe.     

The Church of Our Lady Victorious | Photo: Ondřej Tomšů,  Radio Prague International

The Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague is one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in Czechia, home to the Infant Jesus of Prague – a revered figure in the Roman Catholic world.  The 49cm tall statuette, which originated in Spain and was brought to Bohemia by Marie Manrique de Lara y Mendoza, portrays Jesus as a child, or more specifically, as a young king or prince. In one hand he holds a small globe the other hand is raised in blessing.

Millions of people from all over the world have made the journey to Prague to pray to the Infant Jesus. Many say their prayers are answered and take away a copy of the Infant Jesus for their local church.

The Infant Jesus of Prague | Photo: Ondřej Tomšů,  Radio Prague International

Among those who have had the honour of making vestments for the Infant Jesus is painter and dress designer Markéta Melenovská. In the past 17 years she has made over 200 garments for the revered statuette and copies of it that travelled the world over.

Markéta Melenovská | Photo: Barbora Kvapilová,  Czech Radio

“The opportunity to make vestments for the Infant Jesus arose in 2006 when I was working for the Carmelites and the prior at the time, Father Anastasio, asked me if I would consider dressing a few  copies of the Infant Jesus for his Italian friends. They were very happy with the result and I gradually started making more and more of these vestments. I greatly enjoy the work and have been doing it for 17 years now.”

The Infant Jesus is dressed by the Carmelite sisters in richly decorated royal robes chosen with respect to the given liturgical season. The statuette has two crowns and a wardrobe of around 300 garments some of which were reportedly made as a gift of gratitude by Empress Maria Theresa, others came from noble families and congregations from all over the world. In her workshop Markéta Melenovská makes precise copies of the royal robes as well as beautiful originals inspired by old paintings.

Photo: Barbora Kvapilová,  Czech Radio

“I have a variety of suppliers, who have to meet my high demands. What you see here are copies of Renaissance and Baroque paintings, which I use as inspiration for the dresses I make. For instance, here I was inspired by a painting of Karel IV and Vaclav IV and I copied the décor on their dresses for the material from which I made vestments for the Infant Jesus. The Infant Jesus must have only the very best, so I use Bohemia crystal baroque pearls, gold thread and embroidery. This ornate style, combining gold, precious stones bright colours and lace is in all my work, be it nativity scenes, paintings or textile design.”

No one knows just how many copies of the Infant Jesus of Prague there are in private homes, churches and chapels the world over. Markéta Melenovská says she often sees her work in houses of prayer in this country but many of her vestments end up on copies of the Infant Jesus in Mexico, the US, Australia, the Philippines and elsewhere. And, she says that, as long as there is interest in her work, she will continue making them.

Markéta Melenovská has designed costumes for the Prague theatres ABC, Divadlo komedie and the theatre association Kašpar. She studied art with a focus on maintenance of Christian monuments and has helped to restore murals in a number of castles in Bohemia.

Authors: Daniela Lazarová , Barbora Kvapilová | Source: Český rozhlas
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