Demonstrators protest against idea that Ukraine responsible for Kakhovka dam explosion

Demonstrators in Prague's Old Town Square filled almost the entire width of the square as they protested on Saturday against the notion that Ukraine was behind the Kakhovka dam explosion, which took place on Tuesday morning. The Czech News Agency reports that Voice of Ukraine, the organisation behind the demonstration, wanted to express its solidarity with Ukraine and identify Russia as the clear perpetrator of the attack. During the protest, the activists immersed figurines of people, houses, and animals in containers of water, which they said was intended to symbolise the damage and destruction that the attack had caused to the area.

The head of the Kherson region, Oleksandr Prokudin, has said that the water has so far flooded an area of about 600 square kilometres on the lower course of the Dnieper River. Kyiv and Moscow both blame each other for the attack on the dam.

Author: Anna Fodor