Defence Minister: It's ok if China mediates peace between Russia and Ukraine

Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová told Czech Television on Sunday that she doesn't mind if a peace between Russia and Ukraine is mediated by China. The most important thing, according to her, is that the conflict end as soon as possible. She said that it was important not to avoid any diplomatic negotiations, whether the moderator be the West or a country that can also engage the Russian side. The whole world needs to do everything to ensure these terrible events end as soon as possible, she said.

Last month, Beijing put forward its own 12-point peace plan and called for a comprehensive ceasefire in the conflict. Earlier this week, the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borell said in Madrid that China should not be the mediator as it leans too much towards Russia.

Speaking about the defence cooperation treaty between Czechia and the United States, which has been in the making for several months, she said that she expects it will be discussed by the government this month after which its contents will be declassified.