Daily news summary

Former police president’s complaint rejected

An interior ministry commission has rejected a complaint by the former police president Martin Červíček regarding the manner in which he was removed from his post at the start of the year by then interior minister Martin Pecina. Minister Pecina reinstated Červíček’s predecessor to the post after a court cleared him of the slander charges on the grounds of which he was dismissed from office. The minister questioned the validity of Martin Červíček’s appointment saying he should have been a temporary replacement. The interior ministry commission supports this interpretation. The interior minister has now called a tender for a new police chief in view of stabilizing the situation at the force.

Industry minister says decision on coal-mining limits should be made by end of next year

A decision of whether to lift the government-imposed limits on coal mining in north Bohemia should be made by the end of 2015, according to Industry and Trade Minister Jan Mládek. The minister said he himself would be in favour of holding a referendum on the matter ahead of a government decision by said this would have to be approved by all parties of the coalition government. Environmental activists have welcomed the fact that the government is not taking a decision on the matter immediately and is ready to consider the views of the locals. The mining limits were imposed in the early 1990s to protect villages in the north from industrial expansion and have frequently come under attack from politicians and industry leaders who argue that at a time of growing unemployment jobs should be a top priority.

Visiting Italian students rushed to hospital with severe food poisoning

Thirty-one Italians students were taken to hospital on Friday night after suffering the effects of what appear to be food poisoning. The group of students, who were housed in the Olšanka hotel in Prague’s Žižkov district, suffered severe intestinal problems and were taken by ambulance to several hospitals in the vicinity. All are said to be out of danger. Police and hygiene officers are investigating the incident.

Usti reports measles outbreak

The Usti region in north Bohemia has reported an outbreak of measles. Over 70 people are said to have contracted the disease in the last few weeks. The infection is reported to have spread by a Czech tourist who contracted the disease while on holiday in India and on his return unwittingly exposed dozens of people. The regional hospital has ordered vaccines for its entire staff after two dozen of its doctors and nurses contracted the disease.

Czech PM to visit Germany

Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka is to pay a two-day working visit to Germany at the end of next week. His talks with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel on March 13th are expected to cover EU and bilateral issues as well as the crisis in Ukraine. It will be the prime minister’s third foreign trip abroad in office, after Slovakia and Poland.

Višegrad Group states urge US to boost natural gas exports to Europe

The Višegrad Group states are urging the United States to boost natural gas exports to Europe as a hedge against the possibility that Russia could cut off its supply of gas to Ukraine. Ambassadors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland made the appeal in a letter to the US Congress. The letter asks for Congress to support speedier approval of natural gas exports, noting that the "presence of U.S. natural gas would be much welcome in Central and Eastern Europe." The ambassadors warn that the unrest in Ukraine has brought back Cold War memories and that energy security threatens the region's residents on a daily basis.

OBSE mission makes third futile attempt to enter Crimea

Military observers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe on Saturday made a third futile attempt to enter Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula, having once again been forced back by Russian troops firing warning shots into the air. The 37-member OSCE mission, which includes two Czechs, was to have monitored the situation in the region, visited Ukrainian military installations in Crimea and the headquarters of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol. Its week-long mission is due to expire on Tuesday. Similarly, UN Special envoy Robert Serry, who arrived in Crimea last Wednesday, was forced to leave the region almost immediately, after being attacked and threatened by pro-Russian activists.