Czechs beat Macedonia 6-1 in World Cup qualifier

Jan Koller, photo: CTK

The Czech national football squad did it again on Wednesday. Just five days after their 8-1 win over Andorra in their Group One World Cup qualifier, they managed to score another six goals against Macedonia, at home in the town of Teplice. But the Czechs still remain in second place in their group, after the Dutch beat Finland 4-0.

Jan Koller,  photo: CTK
Radio Prague's Alex Rosenzweig was at the Czech-Macedonia game. Now, Alex, a 6-1 result - sounds like it was a walk in the park for the Czechs - was it an easy victory?

"Well, actually, it was not that easy because much to the surprise of many of us at the beginning of the game, the Macedonians managed to get past Petr Cech and scored a goal and led 1-0 for about fifteen minutes. The big advantage that the Czechs had was that they managed to take the lead before half-time, thanks to the amazing Jan Koller."

The 2-metre giant Jan Koller contributed an amazing four goals in just eleven minutes. In Saturday's encounter he'd already set the all-time record of goals scored for his country, and the game against Macedonia took his total up to an amazing 39...

"He is the man of records in the Czech Republic now. He managed to score four goals but we should say that one was thanks to Milan Baros. It was nice to see Karel Bruckner [team coach] put two giants - Vratislav Lokvenc is also about two metres tall - at the front of the team, who were like the twin towers. It didn't work that well at the start but then Tomas Rosicky improved his style and helped preparing almost all the goals."

Milan Baros  (on the left),  photo: CTK
You mentioned Milan Baros. I believe that there were some very unusual visitors at the stadium?

"Yes but I think they were also at the game against Andorra. Gerard Houllier and Bernard Lacombe from the French football champions, Lyon, came to see Milan Baros and I think they got to see quite a nice show because he played very well."

And when will we be able to see the Czechs play again?

"The next game won't be before September 3 in Romania, against Romania but the most anticipated game will be against the Netherlands in Prague on October 10."