Czechia still possesses equipment it can send to Ukraine

Czechia still has military equipment in its stores that it can send as aid to Ukraine, Defence Minister Jana Černochová said on Czech Television's weekly political debate programme on Sunday. The minister and the chief of the Czech Army's general staff, Karel Řehka, will meet with President Petr Pavel in the coming days to discuss the topic and supply him with a list of the equipment that could be sent.

The president told the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung last week that Czechia did not have many options left when it came to providing Ukraine with military materiel, although he saw possibilities of supplying air defence and munitions equipment.

Lubomír Metnar of the of the opposition ANO party, who used to be defence minister and currently heads the Committee on Defence in the lower-house, expressed concerns in the debate about whether Czechia will be able to maintain its own core military supplies if it continues to send them to Ukraine and asked the defence minister for assurances. She, in turn, promised that nothing was being sent to Ukraine that could weaken Czechia's own defence capabilities.