Czechia presents reform proposal to EU migration policy

The Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union is presenting a proposal for reform to the EU's asylum and migration policy at a meeting of EU Interior Ministers in Luxembourg on Friday. A key point of discussion will be the recent increase in the number of migrants arriving via the so-called Balkan route. Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan said that the reforms seek to find a balance between solidarity and responsibility, the Czech News Agency reports.

Tensions between the Czech Republic and Slovakia have been growing recently after Czechia introduced controls at their common border in an attempt to stop the current influx of migrants. Slovakia says that the Czech Republic is not complying with the so-called readmission agreement and drops migrants off at the border without consulting Slovakia. Slovak Interior Minister Roman Mikulec said that the problem cannot be solved bilaterally and that an EU level discussion is needed.

Author: Anna Fodor