Czechia for more sanctions against Russia over Navalny's death

Czechia supports imposing further sanctions against Russia in response to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said in Brussels on Monday while attending a meeting of EU foreign ministers. He added that all signs pointed to Navalny's death being a politically motivated murder and Putin having blood on his hands again.

Navalny's wife, Yulia, was also in Brussels on Monday at the invitation of the EU to attend the meeting, which Mr. Lipavský called "a great expression of symbolic support and recognition". Navalny's death was announced by Russian authorities on Friday.

The EU is currently finalising its thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia. Although it has not made it into the thirteenth sanctions package, Czechia hopes that its proposal to restrict the movement of Russian diplomats in the Schengen area could be included in one of the later packages.

Author: Anna Fodor