Czechia counting on having ambassador in Moscow at some point in the future

Czechia is counting on sending an ambassador to Russia at some point in the future, President Petr Pavel said told reporters after Thursday’s meeting of top constitutional officials on foreign policy issues. The president said the first step would probably be to fill the post of deputy ambassador. The current ambassador to Russia, Vítězslav Pivoňka, was recalled home as relations worsened and has already been in Prague for several months. Diplomat Jiří Čistecký is now the country’s top representative in Moscow.

Earlier, President Pavel was more reserved on the issue of sending a new ambassador to Moscow, while Foreign Minister Lipavský argued the need to maintain dialogue with Russia even in difficult times. Now the president said the issue was not "if but when". The country’s top officials also agreed on the need to continue supporting Ukraine in the war with Russia.