“Czech Specials” promotes national and regional culinary specialities

Photo: www.czechspecials.cz

A month ago CzechTourism, in cooperation with the Association of Master Chefs and Confectioners and other partners launched a new project called “Czech Specials” – promoting national and regional cuisine across the country. The aim is to boost gastro-tourism by making tourists aware just what goodies they are missing: everything from black soup in Prague to wild boar in the Krkonoše Mountains. Jan Velinger asked CzechTourism’s Filip Remenec to tell him more about the project.

“This was an idea to promote the Czech Republic more through gastronomy, through regional specialities, to boost the number of both foreign and domestic tourists. When you visit some areas, a castle or so on, you also visit restaurants, taste the beer or wine, and we wanted to make more people aware of the opportunities of typical Czech cuisine. Nowadays we have around 20 certified restaurants in specific regions, and we would like to have 20 in each region alone by the end of the year.”

The country is divided into 14 regions: do you think raising awareness of the local cuisine in each will help draw tourists beyond Prague?

“It’s important when you come somewhere to try regional recipes, I think. When I travel somewhere I also want to try something regional. It’s not a new idea, of course, but one that is effective. We hope to increase the number of regional specialities people know. Along with that, other tourists will be interested in national cuisine – such as sirloin beef with cream and dumplings.”

“Yes, along with the pork and cabbage with dumplings or the Czech goulash.”

Who guarantees the overall quality?

“That’s checked by two controllers on the part of the Association of Master Chefs and Confectioners and they come to each restaurant to check the overall quality of the original specialties, as well as overall service and hygiene. There are both high-end restaurants and restaurants that are lower in price, but where you can still get good food. This project is not only for high-end clients but for anyone. Of course, people can also visit our webpage to learn some of the recipes, which they can then try on their own.”