The Czech Prime Minister likes his Italian coffee

Vladimir Spidla, photo: CTK

After the official press conference, Czech Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla, and various EU dignitaries, took a walk down Prague's Na Prikope Street, a main artery of Prague's shopping district and today host to the "European Market" -- 25 info tents representing the countries of the enlarged European Union. Brian Kenety was trailing the Prime Minister as he pressed the flesh.

Vladimir Spidla,  photo: CTK
This part of the celebrations is known as the "European Market" and we've got food, of course, from all the various countries; pastries from Denmark, sausage from Poland, baklava from Greece.... At the moment, Mr. Spidla is visiting with the Greek tent, paying his regards. Let's see if we can catch up with him.

Mr. Premier, do you have a moment to answer some questions for us? Tell us about what this day means to you, how you feel a day ahead of entry into the European Union...

"Well, I am of course truly pleased, very content, because we've come to the end of a long journey that began with the Prague Spring of 1968."

And are you drinking Greek coffee there? Or is that a Czech specialty?

"No, this is Italian coffee. And I think that Italians truly know best how to make it."

And are you looking forward to tasting some of the other specialties here on the "European Market"?

"To tell the truth, I am so truly happy at the moment I'm not thinking about food or anything else. But this coffee really is quite good."

So, that was the Prime Minister, who was kind enough to give us a few moments as he strolled around the square with his Italian coffee, meeting and greeting European dignitaries, along with tourists and Czechs, here on a lovely spring Friday morning, one day ahead of EU entry.