Czech President condemns symbolic use of gallows, says he would sign pandemic law amendment

Czech President Miloš Zeman told CNN Prima News on Sunday that he would sign the amendment to the pandemic law which passed through the Chamber of Deputies earlier this week amid protests from parts of the population and an attempt at filibustering from the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy party. The amendment, which gives the government more extraordinary powers to tackle the pandemic, is now set to be voted on in the Senate next week.

The Czech President was also highly critical of the symbolic setting up of several gallows by protestors opposing the amendment, saying that the people responsible should be punished while also highlighting that social distancing measures had not been adhered to by the demonstrators. Czech Police said earlier this week that they will not be investigating the use of gallows at the protest as they were set up symbolically and not as a threat to any specific individual.

The Czech President also expressed his views on current foreign policy topics. He said that he does not believe that Russia will attack Ukraine, as it would result in serious sanctions for the Kremlin. Meanwhile, on the topic of the political boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which the Czech Republic is partaking in, he said that Czechia should have sent its education minister to the games (who is also responsible for sport) as a sign of respect to the sportsmen and sportswomen taking part. He himself would travel to Beijing if he was in better health, the president said.