Czech online delivery giant Rohlik Group sees profits rise by more than 50 percent

Czech online food delivery company Rohlik Group has announced that it registered 53 percent growth within its past fiscal year running from May 2021 to April 2022. The company now has close to a million permanent customers spread over four Central European countries and is planning to expand further.

Rohlik Group published statistics relating to its past fiscal year on its website on Wednesday. The company reports that it fulfilled almost 10 million orders and acquired around 250,000 new permanent customers. Meanwhile, Rohlik Group’s net revenues for the year reached EUR 490 million.

The head of the company’s Czech branch, Olin Novák, says that the Rohlik Group opened two new warehouses in Germany within a period of just six months when it entered the German market under the brand name “Knuspr” last year. Deliveries via the platform have reached 4,000 in one day which, according to Novák, is a “fantastic number” for the still new brand in Czechia’s largest neighbouring state.

Aside from Germany and the Czech Republic, Rohlik Group also operates in Hungary and Austria, and is set to begin operating in the Italian and Romanian markets within the next few weeks. Further expansion into Spain is also being planned this year.

Rohlik Group founder Tomáš Čupr says that the past fiscal year saw some of the company’s highest growth yet, noting that the loosening of coronavirus measures did not affect client demand. He added that, currently, the Czech market is profitable for the company and there are hopes that Rohlik’s other existing markets could become profitable in the next fiscal year.

According to Olin Novák, Rohlik Group will try to expand its range of daughter brands, which will enable the company to offer relatively cheap products even in times of high inflation. This should include Rohlik Group ground coffee, animal feed and some new dry foodstuffs.

Founded in 2014 in the Czech Republic, Rohlik Group is one of Europe's leading online grocery delivery services. Last year it was valued at over USD 1 billion.