Czech nature film to be promoted by Disney

Walt Disney Pictures has expressed an interest in being the international distributor for a new nature documentary film Aldabra, which was shot by a Czech team on a remote island of the same name in the Indian Ocean. The film, which should be released in 3D in the Czech Republic in October, was directed by Steve Lichtag, who was born in Znojmo as Zdeněk Loveček. Disney pictures have already provided and advisor for the team and has begun preparing the English version of the commentary. The music for the film was created by a Czech-American team of artists including the Prague-based Robert Jíša, member of the band King Crimson Tony Levin and even Peter Gabriel. The island Aldabra, which Jacques Cousteau visited some sixty years ago, is an uninhabited coral atoll with a wealth of exotic wildlife and underwater fauna.

Author: Masha Volynsky