Czech language
It’s a sausage to me
Welcome to a fresh edition of Soundczech in which you can learn new phrases with the help of song lyrics. Today’s song is by the group Vypsaná fixa and the phrase to…
Renaming the world in Czech
Hi, and welcome to Sound Czech - which is going to sound Czecher than ever today because we’re going to talk about the Czechification of foreign place names, i.e. exonyms…
Cooking with plain water
Hello and welcome to Radio Prague’s Czech language series in which you can learn new phrases with the help of song lyrics. Today’s rap song is by Bow Wave and the phrase…
On St Dynda’s Day
Hello and welcome to Sound Czech, Radio Prague’s language series in which you can learn some interesting phrases while listening to music. Today, we’ll hear the 1994 song…
Back when I dragged a toy duck
Welcome to this week’s SoundCzech, our weekly language programme helping you learn Czech phrases with the help of song lyrics, and starring this week the legendary Jaromír…
To carry someone in your arms
Welcome to another edition of SoundCzech – Radio Prague’s Czech language series in which you can learn new phrases with the help of song lyrics. Today’s song is On My Own…
Promises are made and fools are happy
Welcome to another edition of SoundCzech Radio Prague’s Czech language series in which you can learn new phrases with the help of song lyrics. Our song today is sung by…
That was then, this is now
Welcome to SoundCzech, our language series in which you can learn Czech phrases through song lyrics. In today’s edition the phrase to look out for is “To co bylo, neplatí…
Troubles with svízel
Hello and welcome to Soundczech, Radio Prague’s signature series in which you can learn some interesting Czech phrases while listening to a song. Today, we’ll hear a…
Summer Czech language courses in Dobruška
For many Czechs, the eastern Bohemian town of Dobruška evokes the Czech National Revival, a time when the Czech language was on the verge of extinction. A local merchant…
To fly like a madman
Welcome to SoundCzech, our language series in which you can learn Czech phrases and idioms through song lyrics. In today’s edition the phrase to look out for is “letím…
All things hot
Welcome to SoundCzech, our Czech language series in which you can learn Czech phrases and idioms through song lyrics. Today, we will learn some expressions that might come…
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