Czech heroines: prominent Czech women past and present
A look back over the past centuries reveals the prominent role that women played in Czech history as rulers, politicians, artists, scientists, and athletes. The Czech Centres, the Faculty of Design and Art at the University of West Bohemia and Radio Prague International proudly present a new series celebrating women.
The Czech Heroines project offers portraits of fifty prominent Czech and Moravian women as seen through the eyes of young illustrators, students of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art at the University of West Bohemia led by their mentor and teacher Renáta Fučíková.
The illustrated project Czech Heroines was inspired by the centenary of voting rights for Czech women and the 200th anniversary of the birth of the prominent Czech writer Božena Němcová. It is a joint project by the Czech Centres, the Faculty of Design and Art at the University of West Bohemia and Radio Prague International.
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Charlotte Garrigue-Masaryková
An American from New York, she was the wife of the first president of Czechoslovakia, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
Bertha von Suttner
German writer born in Prague who contributed significantly to the worldwide pacifist movement with her literary work and lecturing.
Božena Němcová
Writer, collector of fairy tales and folk tales, and author of The Grandma, today still considered one of the classic works of Czech literature.
Anna Náprstková
Businesswoman, philanthropist and patron, who managed the family brewery and distillery.