Czech government lowers public sector pay increases

This Wednesday, the Czech government approved a pay rise of CZK 700 for members of the Czech Armed Forces starting from January. The pay rise is CZK 1,000 lower than that which was planned by the previous government. Both Czech Television and the Czech News Agency report that the new cabinet also agreed on raising the salaries of policemen, firefighters and toll workers by CZK 700.

According to a proposal from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the salaries of social services staff, as well as selected health workers, could be raised by CZK 700 from January. Meanwhile, doctors would see their salaries increase by 6 percent and teachers by 2 percent, the Czech News Agency reports. Civil servant salaries will be kept at their current rates. The previous government planned on a general salary increase of CZK 1,400 across the public sector.

The cuts in planned pay increases for public sector workers could save the state CZK 132 million crowns, according to the proposal.