Czech-German Fund to donate CZK 11 million to Czechs and Germans hit by Covid crisis

The Czech-German Fund for the Future will donate CZK 11 million to citizens of both countries, who were affected by the Covid-19 crisis, according to a press release issued on Tuesday. The money will be used to support organisations providing medical and social services as well as Czech-German partnership projects.

The fund has already earmarked CZK 6 million for organisations and individuals, who contributed to the improvement of Czech-German relations over the past three years, such as artists, cultural institutions and civic associations.

The Czech-German Fund for the Future was established in 1997 on the basis of a joint Czech-German declaration; the German side admitted its responsibility for the crimes of the Nazi regime while the Czech Republic expressed regrets for the post-war expulsion of the Czechoslovakia’s German-speaking community.

Author: Ruth Fraňková