Čunek tells press that failure to declare mortgage due to ‘administrative error’

The head of the Christian Democrats, Jiří Čunek, has said that it was due to an administrative error that a 1.4 million-crown credit (70,000 USD) on his mortgage was not declared. Mr Čunek was fined 20,000 CZK by an Ostrava court for failing to announce the credit on his mortgage account. He was found guilty of breaching a conflict of interest law which obliges politicians to disclose their income and property assets. In Thursday’s Právo, however, Mr Čunek said that he had not withheld information intentionally, but that it had been an administrative error. Whether this was his or someone else’s error he was unable to say. Other investigations into whether Mr Čunek accepted bribes and misused welfare benefits have recently been dropped.

Author: Rosie Johnston