Court chairman: amnesty should have been discussed in connection with international agreements

The chairman of the Constitutional Court Pavel Rychetský has suggested that the court should have taken into count broader factors regarding a recent senatorial complaint. A group of senators had sought the annulment of part of the controversial New Year’s amnesty but the motion was rejected on Tuesday. Eight out of 12 judges currently in the Constitutional Court were against; four – including Rychetský – had a differing view. According to Judge Rychetský, the amnesty should have been examined in connection with international agreements that bind the Czech Republic to prosecute crimes and limit the legalisation of criminal profits. Former president Václav Klaus’ New Year’s amnesty saw more than 6,000 prisoners released; the controversial article 2 of the amnesty halted – or threatens to halt – a number of major cases of suspected corruption and fraud.

Author: Jan Velinger