Corruption biggest problem at Ministry of Defence, says Parkanova

The minister of defence, Vlasta Parkanova, says the biggest problems she has encountered in her short period in office are linked to corruption and the awarding of public tenders. Minister Parkanova, who was appointed last month, made the comments after a meeting with President Vaclav Klaus at Prague Castle on Tuesday. She said she wanted to make the Czech army's spending more transparent and effective.

The minister also called for the thorough investigation of alleged bribery connected with the planned purchase and subsequent lease of Gripen fighter jets from Sweden's Saab and Britain's BAE Systems. Police in the Czech Republic, Sweden and the UK are currently looking into the matter.

Meanwhile, Swedish TV is due to broadcast on Tuesday a secretly recorded interview with former Czech foreign minister Jan Kavan, in which he seems to indicate bribes were given to Czech politicians in connection with the deal. Mr Kavan has dismissed the recording, saying he had merely relayed gossip and speculation to the reporters.

Author: Ian Willoughby