Constitutional Court demands changes to electronic register law

The Czech Constitutional Court has cancelled some parts of the flagship measure of Andrej Babiš when he served as finance minister, electronic cash registers better known by their Czech acronym EET.

The move was introduced to clamp down on cash payments and tax dodging. The court did not agree with the request of right-wing lawmakers to cancel the measure as a whole. The court ruled that some aspects of the measure, such as those affecting non cash payments and Internet transactions should not apply. It also questioned why personal identification numbers had to appear on the slips given to buyers.

And the ruling is also a setback for the planned third and fourth phase widening of the measure next year, for example to farmers, workers in the transport sector, and artisans.

Changes to the law have been ordered before those phases can take effect. Babiš, now prime minister in a minority ANO government, said that what mattered was that the payments law still stood.

Author: Chris Johnstone