Coalition agreement signed to pave way for new government

Three parties set to make up the Czech Republic's new centre-left government outlined its priorities on Monday by signing a coalition agreement that could bring to an end the government crisis that ensued following the resignation of Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla in June. Prime Minister Stanislav Gross led negotiations on the new government with original coalition partners the Christian Democrats and the Freedom Union, arriving at Monday's agreement. Mr Gross has made clear the new cabinet's priorities will include supporting business, education, and young families, while fighting unemployment and lowering the public deficit.

However, the cabinet has yet to be officially named by President Vaclav Klaus who has reportedly already expressed dissatisfaction with several names put forward for ministerial posts.

Following the cabinet's naming the government will have 30 days to ask for a vote of confidence in the Lower House. A likely date for the vote, already being discussed, is August 24th.

Author: Jan Velinger